President Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden last week was legendary. It brought together energizing speakers (including Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Phil, Hulk Hogan, and Dana White) and patriotic Americans in a boisterous atmosphere that no other campaign could hope to duplicate. Donald Trump went into the heart of the Democrat Party’s area of operations, and he was greeted like a rock star who owned the place.
You can tell it was a smashing success because the propaganda press hasn’t stopped talking about it. Any honest journalist would tell you that it was an electrifying political rally that united Americans of all backgrounds and from all walks of life. Because today’s “reporters” do not tell the truth and instead push an ideological agenda at all times, they are following Hillary Clinton’s marching orders and smearing the MSG event as some kind of twenty-first century Nazi hatefest.
Their lies prove only how panicked they are at the sight of President Trump’s broad appeal. Democrats talk endlessly about skin color and ethnicity and celebrate physical “diversity” as if it were a noble virtue. They are obsessed with how a person looks to the exclusion of everything in a person’s mind and soul that makes each of us unique. That said, Democrats could never have packed Madison Square Garden with such a diverse group of Americans united in common cause as Trump did — at least not without busing in paid actors to meet their rigid racial quotas.
When the Trump campaign made tickets available to the public, they were gone almost immediately. Who grabbed them? Oh, just about every kind of American you could imagine. Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, agnostics, and non-believers. Black, white, brown, and every shade in between. Blue-collar workers and billionaires, tradesmen and suits, young and old people alike. Every kind of dirty job, white-collar profession, and socio-economic rung was well represented. Lifelong Republicans, libertarians, independents, and former Democrats all sang patriotic tunes together. Truly, President Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally demonstrated in striking fashion just how attractive his policies are to Americans of every demographic.
It was an astonishing scene, and if any campaign event were to demonstrate the magnitude of the political realignment (if not ideological revolution) that Donald Trump has unleashed in America, MSG’s joy-fest was it. It should take its place in the history books as prima facie evidence that the “Great Awakening” is here. The Democrats’ and corporate media’s outrageously malicious attempts to paint the political rally as “dark,” “threatening,” and even “fascist” should similarly be regarded as demonstrable proof of their moral turpitude, deceitfulness, and irrelevancy.
I don’t usually write about physical diversity. Appearances, like book covers, tell us next to nothing about the stories inside. I have been fortunate enough to interact with all kinds of human beings — good and bad — and get a decent sense of both the great things our species can accomplish and the horrifying deeds we are all too willing to commit. We humans have no trouble uniting to save strangers in mortal danger, but we also have no trouble killing each other for our beliefs. What a world it would be if we worked as hard to avoid murdering each other as we do to rescue a child trapped in a well. Alas, that’s not who we are, and no race of people on the planet has a monopoly on either vice or virtue.
I suppose that’s why the Madison Square Garden rally stood out. Because of their ideological compulsion to separate the electorate into distinct groups of “oppressors” and “victims,” Democrats of every generation demonize some group for special targeting. A century ago, Democrat President Woodrow Wilson wanted to use the “science” of eugenics to eliminate black Americans. Today, Democrat leaders speak of “white supremacy” as a disease that must be similarly eliminated. Who knows which group of people displaying some combination of physical attributes the Democrat Party will choose to vilify next.
In contrast, President Trump’s MSG event showed just how much his message is directed not to any one class of people but rather to all people regardless of how they might look, speak, and act. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is; anyone can be an ardent defender of free speech against government and corporate censorship. It doesn’t matter how you pray (or even if you pray); anyone can be a resolute protector of religious freedom against government persecution. It doesn’t matter whether your ancestors came over on the Mayflower, or whether your parents worked hard to gain their American citizenship; a promise to defend the U.S. Constitution from its enemies holds the same weight. None of us was around when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and made clear to the whole world that the purpose of government is to safeguard every person’s God-given rights and liberties. No matter how we look, how old we are, or what part of America we call home, all of us are capable of fighting for and preserving freedom. Regardless of the stories we hold inside, we can choose to stand together and against government tyranny.
Give me a country filled with people as physically diverse yet wholly unified in their loyalty to the Bill of Rights as those who showed up at President Trump’s MSG rally, and I’ll show you an America that will lead the world for centuries to come. I’ll show you a country capable of building new and exciting things. I’ll show you a country reenergized and focused and ready to defend its way of life. I’ll show you a country whose demise is greatly exaggerated and whose greatness is just beginning. I’ll show you a country that is “awakening” from an odd slumber and slowly but surely coming back to life.
That’s not supposed to happen. Democrats were all suckled on some version of Marx’s historical materialism in which human society marches forward inexorably toward communism. They call themselves, “progressives,” because they erroneously believe history proceeds in only one direction. Those of us who resist their planned dystopia are “reactionaries,” “deniers,” “deplorables,” and “conservatives” stuck in the past and unable to bend. That’s why Democrats are obsessed with berating us that we must join “the right side of history.” So sure are they of the future that they arrogantly believe anyone who refuses to join their sad, hate-filled, envy-ridden descent into collectivist totalitarianism is destined to be either forgotten or reviled in the pages of history.
They are wrong. Marxism is intellectual tripe. Collectivism denies humans the opportunity to flourish as individuals. Totalitarianism is as ugly today as it was last century. And a growing movement of freedom-minded Americans is rising once again to preserve liberty in its hour of need.
It used to infuriate me that Republican backstabbers such as Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan would disparage President Trump’s governing philosophy as appealing only to an insular, white, working-class fringe. The man won far more votes than McCain or Romney, won over ten million additional votes in his 2020 campaign, won the highest percentage of minority votes of any Republican in over sixty years, and is expanding that historic support in his 2024 campaign today. How could anybody credibly argue that Donald Trump has done anything but strengthen the Republican Party?
Then I finally realized that no matter how “conservative” RINOs claim to be, they have either consciously or unconsciously bought into the Democrats’ Marxist philosophy. They have deluded themselves into believing that the world is destined to be dark, uninspiring, and unfree. President Trump disagrees, and a hundred million Americans have joined him to fight for a future that cherishes human liberty. That’s how we really make history.
Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.
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